How to overcome stress? What are the most effective methods of coping with tension? The fight will not be easy, but stress control is possible.

It is best to start with effective day and work planning and not to do things without proper preparation. And so it’s also worth to use exercises and master breathing and relaxation techniques. As long as stress does not hinder everyday functioning, treat it as a good one, which mobilizes to act and is part of everyday life. However, if the excess of stress prevents normal functioning and causes chronic fatigue, it’s time to find out how to overcome it.

Learn the methods of coping with stress

The way people deal with stress depends on individual preferences and predispositions. There are many ways to deal with strain. Therefore, you need to look for the one that will be the most optimal for you only.

However, there are some universal rules that help to control stress and fight its symptoms. Remember that the oxygenated body relaxes automatically. Stress tightens the muscles, making it difficult to oxygenate and worsens the situation. That is why it is worth staying in the open air, take care of a deep and calm rhythmic breath.

Another, very constructive way to deal with stress is the reinterpretation of stressors. Frequently tense situations are, in fact, a positive stimulus for development. And so we handle it and we overcome them, we feel satisfaction. Positive recognition of factors stops paralyzing strain and allows this stress to be overcome. Thinking about situations such as: exams, public speeches, important projects at work etc. as about challenges, not threats, stimulates the brain to act positively. Constructive interpretation of stressors is based on positive thinking. This form of coping helps to overcome chronic stress and to cope better in life.

Breathe without hurry

The first and most important step is a deep breath. Oxygenation has a positive effect on the well-being and relaxation of tense muscles. Stop and take a few slow, deep breaths. The correct technique of breathing the diaphragm (the belly should rise, not the chest) is the best stress exercise. Calm your mind. Speak slowly and take your time. Thus, you will oxygenate the body even more and you will slowly start to lower the level of adrenaline and cortisol in the blood.

Do not postpone until tomorrow

Check if there are any obligations that you consistently postpone. Avoidance does not distance you from the stress factor and is not a good way to deal with tension. On the contrary, it can be a source of intrusive, recurring thoughts and growing fear. This may be the dose that exceeds the “healthy” level of stress. It is wise to confront what is inevitable as soon as possible – do as soon as possible what you need, and you will certainly feel relieved. The adrenaline and cortisol levels will certainly decrease. Remember that unresolved matters are often the cause of chronic stress.

Go to people and talk

Instead of being stressed while sitting at home in solitude – go outside, meet with friends. The fresh air will calm the nerves. And the conversation will dissipate troublesome thoughts. Talk about what worries you and just grows up. There is a good chance that a simple conversation will comfort you or make you aware of how inadequate a reaction to a stressor is.

Drink water

Hydrate the body. Drink small amounts of water during the day to avoid dehydration. Lack of water can increase the symptoms of stress.

Take care of your diet

Thanks to the appropriate diet, you can handle stress easily. A menu rich in zinc, calcium, tryptophan, magnesium and vitamin B will relieve the symptoms of stress. Thanks to that it will calm down your nerves, improve memory and thinking.

A well-deserved reward

If your day is full of stressors – think about what awaits you after these challenges and try to relax now. Plan your small pleasures and think of them as a reward. Treat tense situations as a temporary state.

What not to do under stress?

Avoid alcohol. One deeper will be a source of greater agitation or drowsiness, in the worst case – embarrassment. During increased stress, it is also better to avoid caffeine (including coffee, energy drinks and strong tea) because they deepen only the symptoms of stress, increase blood pressure and speed up the heart. The same applies to sweet snacks, which tempt especially at such times. A chocolate bar will trigger a glucose jump and raise the level of stress hormones.

Stress management

As long as your stress is a mobilizing one (this is so-called eustress) and does not block your action – everything is OK. However, if stress paralyzes you and makes daily life difficult, check if these ways of stress control helps you. These are the basic steps from which you must start to fight strain. If they do not help – you may need to take a closer look at your problems, maybe consult a doctor.

Remember that it is impossible to completely overcome stress. The point is to tame and limit stress, so that it does not paralyze action and doesn’t lower your potential. A small amount of stress, positive one, allows the body to mobilize. Such stress can be a friend. On the other hand, too much strain overburden the body, it causes that it is in constant readiness. The most important is moderation and skillful stress management.