Most of us spend our vacation at the beach. The purpose is mostly one – tan. Sunbaths are very pleasant, but also dangerous. Careless sunbathing can be overpriced with health. How to use the sun wisely? What is worth remembering before going to the beach?

Sunlight is necessary for the proper functioning of the body (it allows the synthesis of D3 vitamin, increases the production of serotonin and regulates the circadian rhythm). It should be remembered that exposure to ultraviolet, which is part of the solar spectrum, can lead to undesirable consequences. As a consequence we mean: sunburn, cancer changes or, at best, photoaging of the skin. With tanning it looks like this: everyone knows that it is harmful, and yet most of us can not imagine a holiday without it. Return pale from a leave? Never!

Diet and first tanning

The tanning process itself can be supported by a proper diet. We will protect the skin if we start consuming beta carotene early enough. It changes skin color slightly. You deliver it to your body thanks to carrots, tomatoes, peaches, paprika, spinach, broccoli or lettuce. Beta carotene destroys free radicals and prevents skin damage. What is more it improves its resistance to radiation. Vitamin E and C will also be useful. It will also improve the condition of the skin before the holiday. The first tanning, for example after a long winter break, should be very short. The skin gets a boost and converts its metabolism to protection from intense sun exposure. It is also recommended to avoid excessive sun exposure and to gradually increase the tanning time.

Special protection of birthmarks and lips

Before you start tanning, visit a dermatologist. The doctor will determine which birthmarks and moles need to be completely covered. To hide the marks, it is worth sticking small plasters. If after the summer season we see  those with irregular shape, we need recheck them with the doctor. In fact, a safe tan does not exist. The sum of sunburn accumulates throughout life damaging the cell’s DNA, so let’s not forget about proper photoprotection. Do not forget that the outer layer of the mouth skin is thin. In this part of the face there is almost no melanin, a natural skin pigment that could help protect the lips from the sun. Therefore, it is difficult to tan, as a result, but it is easy to burn them. Use repeatedly  lipsticks with the highest possible filter. Try not to lick lips, and after  sunbathing – apply nutritional and moisturizing cosmetics.

A high filter and well-chosen products

Of course, cosmetics with a UV filter are a protection. But those from a last year are only suitable for the bin. Under the influence of external factors, they lost their protective properties. Every year, we should stock up with new high filter creams. There is no compromise in this matter. Although only 1 % sunlight is harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, but it is enough to damage the skin and increase the risk of cancer. If you take one filter cream and use it for the whole family, you are not doing the right thing to the end. For children use SPF 50 creams, preferably waterproof. People with fair skin should also take a SPF 50 one, while those that tan brown and rarely resemble ruddy cancer, can start with SPF 30 or 40, and then go down to a lower degree of protection (eg SPF 20).


When there is a heat outside the window, we need more water than usual. Dehydration not only hampers skin regeneration, but also increases the risk of sunstroke. Due to the fact that we sweat, we lose a lot of fluids. We should deliver 4 liters of water a day! Drink non-carbonated, slightly chilled water. You can add a refreshing lemon and mint, or even a little salt. In the sun, the level of electrolytes, including sodium, may decrease. Such a drink will replenish your losses best and quickly. Why is it so important? Lack of this microelement is conducive to disorientation and can cause fainting.

Relief and deep moisturizing

Moisturizing the skin after sunbathing starts with a relaxing shower in lukewarm water. Use moisturizing gels or oils – no soap, which dries the skin. You will bring yourself a relief products which includes panthenol, vitamins E and A, aloe, menthol and allantoin and lanolin. Thanks to them, the skin will be moisturized and regenerate itself easier. Frequent moisturizing of the skin will bring relief and accelerate the healing of burns. And most importantly, it will delay the flaking of the epidermis. Appropriately moisturized skin equals permanent and beautiful tan

Summer has its own rules. Temperatures reach the zenith, so we are happy to put our faces to the sun, expose legs, arms, stay outdoors and play more sport. The desire of almost everyone is a beautiful, brown tan, which is inevitably associated with attractive looks and health. In this pursuit, we often forget about common sense and reject all rules of safe being in the sun. The result is most often skin burns, sun allergy, painful and unsightly blisters, and even permanent discoloration. To save the skin unpleasant ailments and to avoid the long-term and negative consequences of sunbathing, remember a few rules. The sun must be carefully dosed.